Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sand Sculptures

On Wedsnesday the 2nd of April, Waikawa Bay School went to Whites Bay. We did lots of activities but my favourite was making the sand sculptures. There were turtles, whales, sand castles and a whole lot more. I made a seahorse and I am very proud of it. My friends made great sculptures too.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Last Wednesday the whole school went to Whites Bay we did lots of activities and we walked to the rock pools. We saw some small shrimps and I learnt that shrimps are very small and very hard to see.

Huhu Grubs

When Waikawa Bay school went to Whites bay for a school trip room 1 found some Huhu grubs living in the sand above the high tide mark near some rocks. We had to dig about 15 centimetres below the surface of the sand. They were big , fat and had a gooey feeling. When we put them back on the sand they burrowed back into the sand.